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CleanMove Makes Food Safety Compliance Possible

Food safety has been a key focus of the FDA since President Obama signed the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) back in 2011. And rightfully so. Millions of Americans get sick each year from foodborne illnesses that could have been prevented.

Employee Spotlight: Steve Collison - New CleanMove Sr. Sales Engineer

Steve Collison CleanMove Sales Engineer

mk North America, Inc. is pleased to announce that Steve Collison has accepted a position as a Sr. Sales Engineer, with a primary focus on mk’s CleanMove line. CleanMove is a complete line of stainless steel conveyors for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Handling Conveyors from mk North America

packaged hamburger patties on a belt conveyor

Food handling and production is among the most heavily-regulated industries in the nation (and for good reason).

Meat, poultry, and seafood processing in particular face significant regulations from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), and other agencies. These regulations affect nearly every stage of the meat and poultry production process from slaughter to packaging and shipping.

In many cases, specialty equipment is required to comply with USDA guidelines, including hand-held tools and mechanical belt conveyors.

Bottle Conveyors & Conveyor Systems for the Beverage Industry

Conveyors for the Beverage Industry from mk North America

Whether you’re a craft brewer, a soft drink company, a bottler of fresh spring water, fruit juice, or anything in between, there are some things that any major player in the beverage industry knows: one of the most crucial for day-to-day operations is the need for effective bottle and can conveyors.

Conveyor systems in the beverage industry are essential for numerous processes on the bottling line: filling, capping, labelling, packing, shipping, and more. A speedy, efficient line not only keeps production on schedule, but can help growing businesses scale to meet demand and more.

If you’re looking to expand or replace your bottle conveyors, can conveyors, or other parts of your handling or automation systems, mk North America offers a number of solutions perfect for use in the beverage industry.

Need a Food Conveyor? Look No Further than mk's CleanMove Sanitary Conveyor System

CleanMove sanitary conveyor, useful for food and beverage.

As global population rises, demand for fresh and processed food increases. This puts those in the food processing and related industries in a position with a great deal of room for growth, but with the need for operational efficiency and overall competitiveness more urgent than ever.

One way those in the food processing and packaging industries can maximize efficiency while honing their competitive edge is with effective food conveyor systems, to keep supply chains moving smoothly from farm to fork and every step in between. But with government regulations and other regulatory standards in place, not just any food conveyors will do.

What Does BISSC Certification Mean for Conveyors?

 Bagels on a stainless steel, BISSC-certified conveyor from mk North America.

Important: BISSC was purchased by The BEAG Group, making the BISSC standard no longer applicable. 

BISSC, which stands for the Baking Industry Sanitation Standards Committee, is an independent body that was formed to establish and enforce voluntary sanitation standards for the equipment used in industrial baking.

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